Wednesday, January 16, 2008

In the Papalolo's house

In Papalolo's house, we jumped and play.
There's a big ground
Green garden
Basketball court
A fishpond
A tree to climb
A monkey to feed
A fish to catch
A rooster that fights
and a kids that makes me mad and happy too.

In Papalolo's house
there's Lean
My big problem is Lean
She always make me angry and bad
but when she is sick
I take care of her

There's Maxine
A cute cute girl
She makes me laugh when I am sad
She tells me story about the sky

Ate Lj is also nice
She teaches me the proper way
Encoding well in my PC
And Linking some pictures too
My blogging here
She teaches me
She is beautiful
Kind and free
We also both love
Zaido Blue

My Mom and Dad
Are all the best
They give me love
in everything
My Dad loves me
And he loves my mom
He is very sweet
and all the best
My mom is strict
but she loves me too
She teaches me hard things to do
but all she wants
the good in me
She despise the bad thing I do

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